Objective: Bring Cricket to USA
Challenges: Brand new sport without proper infrastructure and awareness
Solution: Aha Designs was engaged for 3 years to bring Cricket (World’s second most watched game) to USA. ACPL was a brand new entity formed for taking up huge task to build infrastructure and develop strategy to make cricket a household name.. Our firm worked closely with ACPL stakeholder to identify 10 locations throughout the country to build world class stadiums which can accommodate 10,000 viewers. Initial scouting of NY, NJ, TX, CA, PA and FL were completed by 2018. Land were acquired at few locations as well as local township permit/funding/credits and rebates were finalized.
We worked with biggest name such as JLL, UBS, PwC and Fortress
We successfully completed investor deck and managed to bring UHNI to invest more then 700M+ for this project.We were asked to present the case w/all the data, projected number for 10years along with financial viability in front of International council appointed body.